Issue - meetings

Recommendations from the Executive Cabinet

Meeting: 25/09/2019 - Council (Item 43)

43 Recommendations from the Cabinet pdf icon PDF 49 KB

To consider the recommendations from the meeting(s) of the Cabinet held on 4th September 2019.



Worcestershire Regulatory Services Board – Enforcement Policy 2019

Councillor A. D. Kent, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulatory Services, proposed the recommendation in respect of Worcestershire Regulatory Services Board, Enforcement Policy 2019 as detailed at page 115 of the agenda pack, and this was seconded by Councillor K. May.


Members discussed a number of areas in respect of this item, including:


·         The differences between the updated policy and the previous policy.  It was commented that it would be more helpful for Members to, in future, receive this in tracked changes format in order to establish what, if any changes had been made.

·         It was suggested that it would be more appropriate to defer the item until such information was made available.

·         The policy had been discussed at the Worcestershire Regulatory Services Board meeting and any queries Members had could have been raised at that meeting.  The purpose of bringing the matter forward to this meeting, was merely to “rubber stamp” the decision reached by the Board.

·         Whether the Portfolio Holder should have been briefed in more detail about any changes and able to respond to questions from Members on it.  The Portfolio Holder drew Members’ attention to page 116 of the agenda pack which highlighted the changes which had been made.

·         The wording of the recommendation was discussed as this did not make specific reference to this Council.


Councillor R. Hunter proposed that the report be deferred until the next meeting and this was seconded by Councillor H. Rone-Clarke. On being put to the vote the amendment was lost.


RESOLVED that, the Council for each Member Authority adopt the Worcestershire Regulatory Services Enforcement Policy 2019, as detailed at Appendix 1 to the report.


Bromsgrove Plan Review Update

Councillor A. D. Kent, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulatory Services, proposed the recommendations in respect of the Bromsgrove Plan Review update, and this was seconded by Councillor K. May.


In proposing the recommendation Councillor Kent advised Members that there had been almost 3.5k responses during the six week public consultation, a summary of which had been published, although not included within the agenda packs.


 Members debated the following in more detail:


·         Whether, given the comprehensive and detailed nature of the report, six weeks was sufficient time for the consultation to take place and the need to protect the valued landscape of the District.  Councillor Kent responded that the Plan was a living document and would continue to be discussed in various forums and in particular Members were able to input to the process through the Strategic Planning Steering Group meetings and therefore he did not believe it was necessary to extend the consultation period beyond the six week period recommended.

·         It was suggested that the recommendation be taken individually rather than en bloc in order for Members to propose any amendments if they so wished.

·         Whilst there was a breakdown of the comments received, there was no detail around what people had actually said.  Councillor Kent referred Members to the larger  ...  view the full minutes text for item 43