Issue - meetings

Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme

Meeting: 02/09/2019 - Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 37)

37 Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme pdf icon PDF 232 KB


The Board considered the Overview and Scrutiny Board’s Work Programme for 2019/20.


The Chairman reiterated that, as stated earlier, he was frustrated that due to items being moved on the Cabinet Leaders Work Programme, this had created a rather large Overview & Scrutiny Work Programme for October 2019, which would see an overloaded Overview & Scrutiny agenda for the meeting to be held on 21st October 2019. 


Councillor Denaro commented that Cabinet Members had also expressed their frustration with items being moved on the Cabinet Leaders Work Programme.  He had spoken with the Chief Executive with regard to this and the possibility of bringing more items forward.


The Chairman asked Members if they would consider holding an additional meeting early November 2019, for Scrutiny of the Crime and Disorder Partnership; and look at moving Speeding, Recycling and Dog Mess and Litter to the Overview & Scrutiny Board meeting scheduled for 2nd December 2019.


The Senior Democratic Services Officer (Bromsgrove) reminded Members that, as detailed on the Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme, it was a statutory requirement for the Board to have a meeting dedicated to Scrutiny of the Crime and Disorder Partnership at least once a year.


In response to Councillor Colella, the Senior Democratic Services Officer (Bromsgrove) stated that she would liaise with the Community Safety Manager with regard to inviting relevant stakeholders / partners to the additional Overview and Scrutiny Board meeting to be scheduled early November 2019.


RESOLVED that the Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme 2019/20, be updated to include an additional meeting in November 2019, as detailed in the pre-amble above; and to include all of the items discussed and agreed during the course of the meeting.