Issue - meetings

Questions on Notice

Meeting: 24/07/2019 - Council (Item 34)

Questions on Notice (to be circulated at the meeting)

To deal with any questions on notice from Members of the Council, in the order in which they have been received.


A period of up to 15 minutes is allocated for the asking and answering of questions.  This may be extended at the discretion of the Chairman with the agreement of the majority of those present.



Question submitted by Councillor R. Hunter


How many bus shelters are the responsibility of Bromsgrove District Council, what budget is made available annually for their maintenance and is this sufficient to keep them in good order?


Councillor M. Sherrey, Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services responded that there were 44 bus shelters within the District which Environmental Services were responsible for, with an overall budget of £2k per annum.


Question submitted by Councillor J. King


How is Bromsgrove spending its allocation of the Government’s Brexit Preparedness funding and is the District prepared for the potentially devastating consequences of Brexit?


The Leader responded that the Council had received an allocation of £17,484 in March 2019; which had been transferred in to a reserve account as corporately, this Authority had not identified any pressing demands.  It was confirmed that should any come forward then the monies would be utilised accordingly.


Question submitted by Councillor S. Hughes


Is the provision of two recycling bins at opposite ends of Bromsgrove high street sufficient and what plans are in place to improve recycling facilities in the town centre?


Councillor M. Sherrey, Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services responded that there were in fact 4 recycling bins at each end of the High Street all of which were well used.