Issue - meetings

Declaration of Interests and Whipping Arrangements

Meeting: 03/06/2019 - Planning Committee (Item 4)

Declarations of Interest

To invite Councillors to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Disclosable Interests they may have in items on the agenda, and to confirm the nature of those interests.


Councillor R. J. Deeming, declared an Other Disclosable Interest in relation to Agenda Item 10 (Application 19/00383/FUL – Beaumont, Cofton Church Lane, Cofton Hackett, Birmingham, Worcestershire, B45 8DE), in that, as Ward Councillor he had brought the Application to Planning Committee for consideration.  Councillor Deeming withdrew from the meeting prior to the consideration of the Application and took no part in its discussion nor voted on the matter.


Councillors S. J. Baxter and S. G. Hession, declared an Other Disclosable Interest in relation to Agenda Item 12 (Application 19/00396/FUL – Headley Rise, Packhorse Lane, Hollywood, Birmingham, B38 0DN), in that they were Councillors for Wythall Parish Council, who had been consulted on the Application.  Having advised that, they had not attended the meeting when the application was considered at the Parish Council meeting; Councillors Baxter and Hession participated and voted on the matter.    


Councillor P. J. Whittaker declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in relation to Agenda Item 13 - Planning Application 19/00492/LBC - Stoney Lane Farm, Stoney Lane, Broad Green, Alvechurch, Worcestershire, B60 1LZ, in that he was the Applicant.  Councillor Whittaker withdrew from the meeting prior to consideration of this item and took no part in the discussion or voting on the matter. 


Councillor J. E. King declared an Other Disclosable Interest in relation to Agenda Item 9 (Application 19/00302/FUL - 1 Blakes Field Drove, Barnt Green, Birmingham, Worcestershire B45 8JT), in that she had been involved in Parish Council discussions on the Application and considered she had a pre-determined view on the matter and would be withdrawing to the public gallery to speak on this item as Ward Councillor under the Council’s public speaking rules. 


Councillor King withdrew from the Committee into the public gallery prior to the consideration of the item and addressed the Committee as Ward Councillor under the public speaking rules and took no part in the discussion or voting on the matter.