Issue - meetings

Recommendations from the Executive Cabinet

Meeting: 26/06/2019 - Council (Item 21)

21 Recommendations from the Cabinet pdf icon PDF 41 KB

To consider the recommendations from the meeting(s) of the Cabinet held on 10th April and 6th June 2019.



Recommendations from the Cabinet meeting on 10th April 2019


Response from the Council on the Solihull Draft Local Plan Supplementary consultation


Councillor A. D. Kent, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulatory Services, proposed the recommendation in respect of the Council’s response to the Solihull Draft Local Plan Supplementary consultation.  This was seconded by Councillor K. May.


In proposing the recommendation Councillor Kent advised that the report was clear and concise so he did not intend to go into detail when presenting the report.  This was the Council’s response to the consultation from Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council, completed by officers.


Members discussed the report and highlighted the following areas:


  • That Cabinet had endorsed the officer response and that it had already been sent to Solihull. 
  • Concerns were raised in respect of the impact that developments in the Solihull area could have on particular parts of the District.
  • Reference to the Hearn Report in respect of future developments.  It was suggested that the Council should be more forceful in its response to ensure that it did not “miss out” when suitable sites for future developments were on the border with another authority.  Councillor Kent highlighted the covering letter to the consultation response, as detailed on page 79, which addressed some of these concerns.
  • It was noted that the letter was dated 15th March 2019 and referred to meetings with Solihull and Members questioned whether any meetings had as yet taken place.  Councillor Kent advised that as far as he was aware these had not. He took on board the concerns raised and assured Members that these would be taken into consideration at any future meetings and added that there were a number of other concerns, for example appropriate infrastructure which would continue to be raised.
  • The delay in the matter coming to Council and consideration be given to this in any similar responses.  Again, the concern was that as other authorities brought forward potential sites for development this Council would be left behind.


Councillor Kent advised Members that he had taken on board the comments made and would be discussing the points raised in detail with officers in due course.


RESOLVED that Council approve the officer response to the Solihull Local Plan Review supplementary consultation as its formal response and that this is confirmed with SMBC.


Recommendations from the Cabinet meeting on 12th June 2019


High Quality Design Supplementary Planning Document


Councillor A. D. Kent, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulatory Services, proposed the recommendation in respect of the High Quality Design Supplementary Planning Document.  This was seconded by Councillor K. May.


In proposing the recommendation Councillor Kent thanked all those who had commented on the document which had been amended to take account of those comments.  This was a live document which would be continually revisited and updated as necessary.


Members considered the report in more detailed and made the following comments: