Issue - meetings


Meeting: 27/02/2019 - Council (Item 89)

89 Motions on Notice pdf icon PDF 12 KB

A period of up to one hour is allocated to consider the motions on notice.  This may only be extended with the agreement of the Council.


Additional documents:


Library Services


Members considered the following Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor C. McDonald:


This Council condemns any measures by Worcestershire County Council that would reduce Library services throughout the District.  In addition seek assurances from the County Council that no Library will be closed or services cut.


The Motion was proposed by Councillor C. McDonald and seconded by Councillor P. McDonald.


In proposing the Motion Councillor C. McDonald explained that the role of the libraries went much further than simply the loan of books, in many places they had become the hub of the community, a place where a huge range of information could be accessed in a variety of ways.  It was often the only place some people were able to go and freely access the internet, particularly those from disadvantaged low income families.  Councillor C. McDonald said it may be the only access they had so was a vital part of their education and learning. For those older more vulnerable residents it was a place where they could get help too, whether it be accessing things online, which was in many cases, the only way that some services were accessible. 


Councillor P. McDonald told Members that the libraries were much more than a place of learning, for example, many Members held their surgeries for residents there and local groups were able to use the facilities to meet, so the library had become a focal point for the local community.  He was concerned that whilst the County Council was holding a consultation, it would result in those hubs of the community being greatly depleted, yet the County Council continued to spend thousands of pounds on other, less worthwhile, projects.  They gave young people an opportunity to further their education and were a vital part in the process of being able to better themselves.


The Leader thanked Councillor C. McDonald for the motion and suggested that whilst he and his Group were committed to ensuring that libraries remained open, in Bromsgrove District.  The County Council were currently in a period of consultation that would lead the Council to understand what proposals there were for alternative delivery for libraries in the area.  He was therefore happy to agree to support the motion if it were amended slightly to the effect that:


“this Council remains committed, where possible, to ensure that all libraries remain open in the Bromsgrove District and that the Leader seek assurances from the County Council that libraries remain open in the District.” 


He also assured Councillor McDonald and Members that he was committed to working with the County on this and a myriad of other matters, to ensure that any local provision that may be required to secure the longevity of library services in the District, as has been considered by Worcester City, would be considered fully at a local level.


After consideration Councillor C. McDonald said she was minded to accept the suggested amendment.


On being put to the vote the amendment was carried.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 89