Issue - meetings

Topic Proposal Report - LTP4 (Councillor S. Colella)

Meeting: 08/04/2019 - Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 128)

128 WCC LTP4 on the district of Bromsgrove pdf icon PDF 129 KB


Members were reminded that a proposal had been received fromCouncillor S. Colella for a scrutiny review in respect of an investigationinto the effect of WCC LTP4 on the District of Bromsgrove. Memberswere asked to consider whether this would be a suitable topic for furtherscrutiny.


Councillor Colella believed that the review was required as he was keen to understand the impact of the LTP4 for Bromsgrove.  He further believed that the current LTP4 was not fit for purpose and that the main issues were problems with congestion and poor air quality. 


The Strategic Planning and Conservation Manager advised the Board that the LTP4 was not a statutory document and this would be replaced with the Strategic Transport Assessment which was being carried out for Bromsgrove. The plan merely highlighted a proposed list of schemes for the future, but did not provide any detail around how and when those schemes would be implemented.


Members requested that this item be added to the Board’s Work Programme for further consideration as they felt this topic was important to them and further work should be carried out, although it was confirmed that no work would commence on the matter until the new Municipal Year


RESOLVED that the proposed Task Group in respect of WCC LTP4 on the district of Bromsgrove be launched.


Meeting: 04/03/2019 - Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 117)

117 WCC LTP4 on the district of Bromsgrove pdf icon PDF 129 KB

The Head of Planning and Regeneration is invited to the meeting to provide members with an update.




Members were reminded that at the last meeting, the Board considered a proposal that had been received fromCouncillor S. Colella, for a scrutiny review in respect of an investigationinto the effect of WCC LTP4 on the District of Bromsgrove. Members had concluded that the Head of Planning and Regeneration be invited toattend this meeting to discuss the subject matter further in order to determine whether this would be a suitable topic for furtherscrutiny.


Councillor S. Colella requested that, as the Transport Planning Report had been deferred, that the consideration of the review also be deferred pending the outcome of the report to be considered at the next meeting.


The Head of Planning and Regeneration provided a brief update to Members in respect of the transport infrastructure in Bromsgrove. She informed the Board that whilst the accuracy of the data used for the Local Transport Plan 4(LTP4) was a key issue, the transport review would underpin the Strategic Transport Assessment which Worcestershire County Council (WCC) would carry out, supported by this Council’s officers and Mott MacDonald.  Members were informed that WCC had commissioned Jacobs to carry out the work and confirmed that they were the current consultant at WCC.


Councillor S. Colella commented that following the meeting, which had been held with a number of officers from WCC he had felt that they had not fully appreciated or considered the traffic infrastructure in the District and he was concerned that there was no vision for the future of the District.  Councillor Colella further reiterated that the issues raised had not been considered in the LTP4. He felt that the LTP4 did not support the population, development and economic growth for Bromsgrove.


In reviewing the plan it was felt that the ‘Predict and Provide’ methodology used was not fit for purpose for Bromsgrove District and this had been replaced with ‘Vision and Validates’.  It was felt that the new approach was more appropriate for Bromsgrove. 


Following the discussions it was agreed that the item would be deferred until the next meeting of the Board in order for it to be discussed in conjunction with the draft Transport Planning Review Report.

Meeting: 11/02/2019 - Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 107)

107 Topic Proposal Report - Effects of the WCC LTP4 on Bromsgrove District (Councillor S. Colella) pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a proposal that had been received from Councillor S. Colella for a scrutiny review in respect of an investigation into the effect of WCC LTP4 on the District of Bromsgrove.  Members were asked to consider whether this would be asuitable topic for further scrutiny.


Councillor S. Colella informed the Board that the main issues were in relation to the Transport Infrastructure System in Bromsgrove and problems with congestion, the lack of investment and the impact on air quality. He provided examples of this and the issues which had been discussed at Council in respect of the Wyre Forest District Plan and the Council’s response. 


The Board were reminded that it was anticipated that the Transport Review Report that it had requested from the Strategic Planning Manager would come before the Board at its March meeting, which may be an opportunity to discuss some of the areas raised in this topic proposal in more detail before the Board reached a decision on this matter.


The Senior Democratic Services Officer (Bromsgrove) also informed Members that the Head of Planning and Regeneration had been invited to attend the Overview and Scrutiny meeting in March and that this subject matter could be discussed at that meeting.


Members agreed thatit would be helpful to receive further information on the subject before making a decision on what further action, if any to take. It was, therefore, agreed that the Head of Planning and Regeneration be invited to discuss the matter further at the meeting held in March.

RESOLVEDthat the Head of Planning and Regeneration be invited to attend the Board’s March meeting to discuss the subject matter as detailed in the preamble above.