Issue - meetings

Proposed Changes to the Home Choice Plus allocations policy - consultation

Meeting: 13/03/2019 - Cabinet (Item 83)

83 Proposed Changes to the Home Choice Plus allocations policy - consultation pdf icon PDF 79 KB


The Housing Strategy Manager introduced the report and explained that the proposed amendments to the policy were following amendments made to the legislation concerning homelessness and other statutory guidance.  The changes suggested would ensure that the process flows well and those in need were housed in a speedy and timely manner.  The consultation would involve stakeholders, partners and local communities.


The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Strategic Housing asked Members to support the proposals.  Members briefly discussed the suggested changes and the Leader questioned whether these would make the process easier, the Housing Strategy Manager responded that unfortunately, administratively it would make the process more complicated and labour intensive, but there was a need for the changes to be included within the policy.




a)    that the Allocation Policy changes outlined in the report are consulted upon with Members, Stakeholders  and Households on the Housing Register for a period of six weeks; and

b)    that Authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive & Executive Director for Leisure, Environment & Community Services in conjunction with the Legal Service Manager to make any future amendments to the Council’s Housing Allocations Policy that are deemed to be necessary to comply with Government guidance and which do not trigger the statutory obligation to consult the persons affected by the changes pursuant to section 168(3) of the Housing Act 1996.