Issue - meetings

Declaration of Interests and Whipping Arrangements

Meeting: 10/12/2018 - Planning Committee (Item 47)

Declarations of Interest

To invite Councillors to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Disclosable Interests they may have in items on the agenda, and to confirm the nature of those interests.


Councillor C. A. Hotham declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in Agenda Item 9 – Planning Application 18/01376/FUL – 26 Blackwell Road, Barnt Green, Birmingham, Worcestershire, B45 8BU, in that he was the Applicant.  Councillor Hotham withdrew from the meeting prior to consideration of this agenda item and took no part in the discussion or voting on the matter. 


All Members present at the meeting also declared Other Disclosable Interests in Agenda Item 9 (Planning Application 18/01376/FUL - extension to existing garage roof and external staircase to form a guest bedroom – 26 Blackwell Road, Barnt Green, Birmingham, Worcestershire, B45 8BU), in that they were all acquainted with the Applicant, Mr. C. Hotham, through their roles as District Councillors. 


Councillor C. Allen-Jones also declared an other disclosable interest in Agenda Item 8 (Planning Application 18/01231/FUL - access gates - Yew Tree Cottage, Chapmans Hill, Romsley, Halesowen, Worcestershire, B62 0HB), in that he had had discussions with the applicant in respect of their reasons for requiring the gates; but that he had no pre-determined views on the matter. 


Councillor M. A. Sherrey declared an other disclosable interest in Agenda Item 5 (Planning Application 18/00282/FUL - residential development of 7 no. dwellings associated garaging - Yew Tree Farm, St Kenelms Road, Romsley, Halesowen, Worcestershire, B62 0NU), in that she had called in the application, due to the level of public interest and concerns predominately relating to the safety of the highways; but that she had no pre-determined views on the matter.