Issue - meetings

Future Training Plan

Meeting: 17/03/2008 - Audit Board (this committee has been combined with the Audit, Standards & Governance Committee and no longer meets) (Item 40)

Future Training Plan


Further to training which had previously been provided to the members of the Audit Board by the former Audit Services Manager, the Head of Financial Services asked Members whether there was any additional training which they felt was necessary in order to assist them in fulfilling their role on the Board.


The following suggestions were made in this regard:


(a)       a talk from an appropriate member of staff of internal audit at another authority to see how they approached audit board matters;

(b)       a session on value for money once benchmarking figures were in place;

(c)        a session on the role of the Finance team, to include relevant financial procedures/processes etc; and

(d)       training on how to be an effective member of an audit board - possibly bringing in the chairman of an audit board of another authority to hear their experiences. 


RESOLVED that the proposals for future training for the members of the Audit Board be noted and progressed by officers.