19 Licensing Act 2003 - Review of Statement of Licensing Policy PDF 165 KB
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Members considered a report in relation to the review of the Statement of Licensing Policy following consultation with relevant authorities and interested parties.
In presenting the report, the Senior Licensing Practitioner, Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) highlighted that in accordance with the provisions of the Act 2003, the Council was required to review its Statement of Licensing Policy at least every five years. The policy was last reviewed in 2014. Therefore a revised Statement of Licensing Policy was required to be published by 1st April, 2019.
Members were circulated comments that had been received arising from the consultation on the matter. It was reported that a total of five responses had been received.
The Director of Public Health requested that a section be added to the Statement of Licensing Policy in all districts recognising the contribution of public health to the licensing process. Such a section has been added into the draft revised Statement of Licensing Policy between paragraphs 7.21 and 7.23.
Dodford and Grafton Parish Council felt paragraph 21.4 was too vague and that a specific number should be provided. As a result, the draft revised Statement of Principles had been amended and a new paragraph inserted (at 21.5) to make clear the restrictions placed on the serving of “late” temporary event notices by personal licence holders and others.
A representative of the Musician’s Union raised a number of concerns. The amendments proposed and subsequently agreed were set out in the report.
The Senior Licensing Practitioner, WRS, informed the Committee that the Licensing Authority would investigate any complaints made against licensed premises. However, the complainants would be advised to raise the complaint directly with the licensee or business concerned, in the first instance.
RECOMMENDED that the Council be recommended to approve the revised Statement of Licensing Policy, subject to amendments, and published to take effect on 1st April, 2019