Issue - meetings

Adoption of Revised Dodford Conservation Area Boundaries, Appraisal and Management Plan

Meeting: 05/12/2018 - Cabinet (Item 45)

45 Adoption of Revised Dodford Conservation Area Boundaries, Appraisal and Management Plan pdf icon PDF 103 KB

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The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regeneration introduced the report and provided a summary of the proposals.


The Conservation Officer gave a brief overview of the Council’s statutory duty to formulate and prepare the Conservation Area Appraisal and advised that Homes England guidance had been followed and they had been consulted together with a number of other partners such as the parish council.  A public consultation had also been carried out.  Homes England had confirmed its agreement to the proposals.


Following presentation of the report Members discussed the following in more detail:


·         Whether residents would in future need permission to make minor changes to their properties.  It was confirmed that currently they would not but that the introduction of Article 4 could be considered at a later stage. 

·         It was noted that many of the frontages of properties in Dodford were set back from the roads so did not, in many cases, have such an impact.  If Article 4 were to be introduced, this would be following a further period of consultation.




a)    that the Dodford Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan be approved and its contents be endorsed as a material consideration for planning purposes;

b)    that the designation of the area to the south of Woodlands Road (Woodlands Road Extension) be appended to the Dodford Conservation Area as outlined in the report; and

c)    that the designation of the area along the southern stretch of Priory Road (Priory Road Extension) be added to the Dodford Conservation Area as outlined in the report.