Issue - meetings

Corporate Peer Challenge Action Plans

Meeting: 31/10/2018 - Cabinet (Item 35)

35 Corporate Peer Challenge Action Plan pdf icon PDF 155 KB

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The Chief Executive introduced the report and provided background information, highlighting that it was not an inspection but an opportunity for a variety of colleagues from other councils to provide a critical friend review.  The visits had taken place in January/February 2018 but, due to elections and the change of administration in Redditch there had been a delay in progressing the action plan following the issue of the report.


The report contained a number of recommendations, some of which would be addressed through the introduction of the Enterprise system.  However, attention was draw to page 80 of the agenda pack and the recommendation to establish a single workforce in order to reduce duplication and time spent navigating two structures and systems of governance.  After consideration, the Corporate Management Team did not feel that this was necessary at the present time and that the areas referred to where being addressed, as detailed in the action plan.


Members noted the report with interest and that there were a number of underlying issues which needed to be addressed and made particular reference to the differing cultures between the two councils, and considered ways in which improvements could be made.  Members also considered the recommendation from the Overview and Scrutiny Board which had been present at Minute No. 32/18.




a)    that the letter and action plan following the Local Government Association Corporate Peer Challenge be noted; and

b)    that the Constitution Review Working Group carry out a wider review of the Council procedures to aid the debating process, with particular focus on supplementary questions.