Issue - meetings

December (Quarter 3) Performance Reporting

Meeting: 05/03/2008 - Cabinet (Item 151)

151 December (Quarter 3) Performance Reporting pdf icon PDF 466 KB

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The Cabinet considered a report setting out the Council's performance at 31st December 2007 (period 9, Quarter 3).


It was noted that although the number of Performance Indicators which were Improving or Stable had fallen in comparison with the previous Quarter, these had been addressed and as at the end of January 74% were Improving or Stable, with 85% achieving their Year to Date target.  As had been pointed out under the minutes of the meeting of the Performance Management Board, Officers were due to look at the issue of budget underspends in order to ensure these were more appropriately managed, thus avoiding such carry forwards.  Details of carry forwards would, in future, be available on a quarterly basis and it was noted that a new Accountancy Manager was to commence employment with the Council at the end of March, both of which would assist with this.    



(a)       that it be noted that 55% of Performance Indicators (PIs) were Improving or Stable, compared to 83% at Quarter 2;

(b)       that it be noted that 73% of PI's were achieving their Year To Date target, compared to 72% at Quarter 2;

(c)        that it be noted that 75% of PI's were predicted to meet their target at year end, compared to 79% at Quarter 1; and

(d)       that the financial position for both revenue and capital funding for the second quarter of £198k underspend and £840k respectively be noted; and


RECOMMENDED that approval be given for the carrying forward of the estimated under spent budgets totalling £2.250m from 2007/08 to 2008/09, as detailed at Appendix 5 to the report.