Issue - meetings

Improvement Plan Exception Report (December 2007)

Meeting: 05/03/2008 - Cabinet (Item 150)

150 Improvement Plan Exception Report (December 2007) pdf icon PDF 260 KB


Consideration was given to the updated Improvement Plan Exception Report for December 2007, together with the corrective action being taken.


In relation to the delayed community consultation as part of the preparation of the Area Action Plan for the Town Centre, Members noted the importance of appointing, as soon as possible, a developer for the Market Hall site and that any further slippage with the consultation would have an affect on such an appointment.  It was also noted that Portfolio Holders would, at the next meeting of the Cabinet, be asked to report back as to the reasons for any slippages for January (Quarter 4).



(a)       that the revisions to the Improvement Plan Exception Report and the corrective action being taken be noted and approved; and

(b)       that it be noted that of the 147 actions highlighted within the Plan for December 2007, 82.3% of the Plan was on target (green), 11.6% was one month behind (amber) and 2.0% was over one month behind (red). 4.1% of actions had been rescheduled or suspended with approval.