Issue - meetings

Public Transport (Buses) Scrutiny Report

Meeting: 05/03/2008 - Cabinet (Item 147)

147 Public Transport (Buses) Scrutiny Report pdf icon PDF 98 KB

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The Cabinet considered the recommendations contained within the Public Transport (Buses) Task Group Scrutiny Report.  The Leader acknowledged the work undertaken by the Task Group and it was noted that the Chairman of the Scrutiny Steering Board was present to respond to any issues raised on the report. 


It was noted that a large number of the recommendations were matters which fell within the remit of the County Council and/or other agencies.  As such, it was felt that the relevant Portfolio Holder, in conjunction with the Chairman of the Task Group (should the Task Group Chairman so wish as it was noted that this was outside of their terms of reference) should refer various matters onto the appropriate body and that the Portfolio Holder should keep the Scrutiny Steering Board updated, via the Board's Recommendation Tracker System, on any progress with the matters in question.  Following discussion, it was



(a)       that in relation to Recommendation 1, this matter be referred to the Town Centre Steering Group for it to decide how best to deal with the required interface with the relevant stakeholders for a new bus station for Bromsgrove (including the establishment of any required sub-committee of the Group in order to progress the new bus station), and that the relevant Portfolio Holder, in conjunction with the Chairman of the Public Transport (Buses) Task Group, keep updated as to any developments and update the Scrutiny Steering Board (SSB), via the SSB's Recommendation Tracker Report, on any progress in this regard;

(b)       that in relation to Recommendation 2, the Portfolio Holder and the Chairman of the Task Group refer this matter to the County Council and the Local Strategic Partnership Transport Theme Group, and that the Portfolio Holder report back to the Scrutiny Steering Board on any progress in this regard;

(c)        that in relation to Recommendation 3, the Portfolio Holder and the Chairman of the Task Group refer this matter to the County Council, the Local Strategic Partnership Transport Theme Group and the Town Centre Steering Group, and that the Portfolio Holder report back to the Scrutiny Steering Board on any progress in this regard;

(d)       that in relation to Recommendation 4, the Portfolio Holder and the Chairman of the Task Group refer this matter to the County Council, with any involvement on the part of this Council in becoming a proactive partner in future bids for rolling stock to be put on hold until such time as the draft Local Transport Bill becomes law, and that the Portfolio Holder report back to the Scrutiny Steering Board on any progress in this regard;

(e)       that in relation to Recommendation 5, this matter be referred to the Local Strategic Transport Theme Group for investigation and that the Group be requested to provide the Cabinet with a report in six months time detailing progress in this regard;

(f)        that in relation to Recommendations 6 and 7, the Portfolio Holder and the Chairman of the Task Group refer these matters to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 147