Issue - meetings

To receive the minutes of the meetings of the Cabinet held on…

Meeting: 24/07/2018 - Council (Item 9)

9 To receive the minutes of the meetings of the Cabinet held on 27th June 2018 pdf icon PDF 164 KB


The minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 27th June 2018 were received for information.


During consideration of these minutes Councillor M. Thompson requested clarification in respect of Minute No. 12/18 the Alvechurch Parish Neighbourhood Plan.  In the minutes it was noted that technical support had been provided by the Planning Department to Alvechurch Parish Council for this work at a cost of £5,000 and a further £20,000 would be awarded should a referendum be launched in respect of the plan.  Councillor Thompson questioned why these funds were required and whether the costs could be met by the Parish Council.


Councillor G. Denaro explained that the £20,000 towards the costs of a referendum would be provided by the Government if needed, though he undertook to provide a more detailed response in writing.