Issue - meetings

Recommendations from the Executive Cabinet

Meeting: 24/07/2018 - Council (Item 8)

8 Recommendations from the Cabinet pdf icon PDF 129 KB

To consider the recommendations from the meeting(s) of the Cabinet held on 7th March, 30th May and 27th June 2018.



Air Quality Management Area – Kidderminster Road, Hagley


The recommendation from Cabinet in respect of the Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) in Hagley was proposed by Councillor P. Whittaker and seconded by Councillor G. Denaro.


In proposing the recommendation Councillor Whittaker noted that the item had been considered by Council on a number of occasions.  The AQMA on Kidderminster Road in Hagley had been declared in February 2010.  Since then the Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) levels had been monitored and Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) had observed that average levels of NO2 had fallen below the national objectives that required the adoption of an AQMA.  Members were advised that WRS would continue to monitor air pollution in the location, should the AQMA be revoked, and this would focus on a number of areas that had been highlighted by Councillor S. Colella.  Council had previously agreed to postpone making a decision on this subject to provide time for the Overview and Scrutiny Board to consider figures arising from the monitoring process in 2017.  The Board had considered this information at a recent meeting and therefore it was suggested that a decision could now be taken.


Whilst discussing this item Members debated a number of areas in more detail:


·                The work of the Overview and Scrutiny Board to review this matter.  Councillor Colella raised concerns that limited information about meaningful cost options or about the potential to use mobile NO2 monitoring equipment had been provided for the consideration of the Board.

·                The impact that the recent period of sustained hot weather might have on air quality in Hagley.

·                The potential for WRS to undertake a detailed survey of air quality using mobile monitoring equipment.

·                The need for WRS to engage constructively with Worcestershire Highways Department in relation to air pollution.

·                The congestion on the main roads in Hagley and the impact that this had on air pollution.

·                The extent to which the figures that had been provided during monitoring of the air quality by WRS could be considered to have scientifically proved there was a trend towards an improvement in air quality in the area.

·                The impact that poor air quality could have on the health and wellbeing of residents living in Hagley and the responsibility of the Council in relation to public health.

·                The recent announcement by the Government of a new Clear Energy Strategy which would require local authorities to make numerous changes, and the investment to address this that might be available for AQMAs.


During consideration of this item Councillor S. Colella proposed an amendment to the recommendation.  This proposal was seconded by Councillor K. Van Der Plank.


The amendment proposed the following:


Bromsgrove District Council should not revoke the Hagley AQMA but instead should do the following:


a)        procure mobile NO2 monitoring equipment to monitor air quality;

b)        carry out regular surveys of air quality across the district; and

c)         WRS should engage regularly with Worcestershire Highways Department.


Members discussed the proposed amendment in some  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8