Issue - meetings

Road Safety Around Schools Task Group Report

Meeting: 31/10/2018 - Cabinet (Item 34)

34 Road Safety Around Schools Task Group Report pdf icon PDF 75 KB

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Councillor C. Bloore, the Chairman of the Road Safety Around Schools Task Group, presented the report and in so doing provided a brief overview of the work of the Task Group and its recommendations.


Councillor P. Whittaker, Portfolio Holder for Community Services asked whether the Task Group had been aware of the legal agreement with Worcestershire County Council (WCC) and the Service Level Agreement with Wychavon District Council to carry out enforcement work on behalf of the Council.  It was confirmed that the Task Group had been aware of these when putting forward its recommendations.


Members discussed a number of areas within the report in more detail, including:


·         The need to work in partnership with other agencies to ensure a joined up approach was achieved.

·         Recommendation 4 – it was clarified that any contact details provided would only be those generic numbers for public use.

·         Councillor K. May, Portfolio Holder for Economic Development was keen for this to be included within a wider review of car parking and enforcement within the district.

·         The need for a review of the service level agreement with Wychavon and any impact this might have on the recommendations, in particular recommendation 7.

·         The different issues faced by the schools in the mornings as compared to the afternoons.

·         Whether the matter had been discussed at WCC and it was confirmed that a number of Members in their role as County Councillors had discussed it.




a)    That the Overview and Scrutiny Board Road Safety Around Schools Task Group Report be noted;

b)    That the recommendations as detailed within the report be agreed.