Issue - meetings

Performance Report

Meeting: 30/05/2018 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Performance Report pdf icon PDF 73 KB

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The Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, the Town Centre and Strategic Partnerships introduced the report and drew Members attention to paragraph 2.1 which stated that Bromsgrove was a highly successful labour force where employment levels were amongst the highest in the West Midlands region, which supported the discussions being held with Brendan Nevin.  She also confirmed that she was in the process of developing updated economic measures which would be brought forward in due course.  The aim was to improve and increase the average salary for those born in the area, which was supported by evidence from the recent survey of the Bromsgrove Community Panel.


The Chief Executive reiterated the comments in respect of updating a set of economic measures and the need for the data to be more up to date.  It was noted that a number of Corporate Measures were also including which covered such areas as sickness absence.


RESOLVED that the Corporate Performance Report in respect of “Help me run a successful business” be noted.