Issue - meetings

Addendum to Hardship Policy

Meeting: 11/04/2018 - Cabinet (Item 104)

104 Addendum to Hardship Policy April 2018 pdf icon PDF 142 KB

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Councillor B. Cooper, the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Enabling, introduced the report and in so doing reminded Members that this had come about following a resolution which had been made in January at Worcestershire County Council (WCC), in respect of those young people leaving care and paying Council Tax. The mechanism to be put in place would address this until they reached the age of 25.  This was an interim measure until the full review of the Council Tax Support Scheme took place later in the year.


The Head of Customer Access and Financial Support added that in order to enable this to happen, the addendum to the Council Tax Support, Hardship Policy needed to be included as this would be funded from monies already available.  Details of care leavers would be provided by WCC or if approached directly clarity would be sought from WCC.


Following presentation of the report Members raised the following points which were discussed in more detail:


·         What would happen should a young person from outside of the District move into the area and whether they would be covered.  Officers confirmed that currently this only applied to those from the Worcestershire area.

·         Members discussed the difficulties young people faced during the transition from care to independent living and whether the support should go further.  The Portfolio Holder advised that this was an area which would be included within the review.  The Leader also confirmed that he would ensure this was included on the agenda for the next meeting of the Worcestershire Leaders Board.


RECOMMENDED to Council that the addendum to the Council Tax Support hardship Policy ‘Support for Care Leavers’ be agreed.