Issue - meetings

Homelessness Grant Funding

Meeting: 06/02/2008 - Cabinet (Item 137)

137 Homelessness Grant Funding pdf icon PDF 229 KB


Consideration was given to a report on homelessness grant funding for 2007/08 and performance and proposed use of grant for homelessness preventative schemes for 2008/09 - 2010/11.


In relation to paragraph 8.2 of the report and the work to be undertaken by the temporary Under Occupation Officer post within the Strategic Housing Team, Members requested that an assistance scheme, similar to that currently in place in Wychavon, to support elderly people who wished to move to more appropriate accommodation but who felt unable to cope with the practicalities of doing so, be investigated.




(a)       that the update on the homelessness preventative and support schemes funded through Communities and Local Government (CLG) Homelessness Grant during 2007/08 be noted;

(b)       that the increased level of CLG Homelessness Grant funding and three year allocation process for the period  2008/09 – 2010/11 be noted;

(c)        that the Council’s performance in halving the use of temporary accommodation two years in advance of the Government’s target date be noted;

(d)       that the submissions for the funding of schemes recommended by the Bromsgrove Homelessness Steering Group set out at Section 7 of the report to receive funding from the 2008/09 – 2010/11 allocation of homelessness grant be approved;

(e)       that the additional bids for funding of schemes submitted since the announcement of additional grant funding set out at Section 7.3 of the report be refused;

(f)        that the surplus additional grant funding be allocated to the temporary employment of an Under Occupation Officer to identify and develop opportunities to make better use of existing housing stock in the District; and

(g)       that the Head of Planning & Environment Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Housing, be granted delegated authority to re-allocate any under spend or make further adjustments necessary to ensure full utilisation of the grant allocation for 2008/09 in support of existing or new schemes.