Issue - meetings

To confirm the accuracy of the minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on ......

Meeting: 12/02/2018 - Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 88)

88 Minutes pdf icon PDF 239 KB


The minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 15th January 2018 were submitted.


It was confirmed that in respect of the information from Worcestershire County Council as referred to in Minute No. 79/17 this had not been received to date.


It was also confirmed that in respect of attendees at the meeting only those Councillors who were invited to attend, participated in the meeting and sat at the table were recorded as being in attendance as observers.


RESOVLED that the minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 15th January 2018 be approved as a correct record.