Issue - meetings

Risk Management Strategy

Meeting: 07/02/2018 - Cabinet (Item 85)

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The Executive Director, Finance and Resources explained that the Council had previously had a Strategy; however in updating it the Council had taken the opportunity to discuss this with its insurers, Zurich Alliance who had provided advice and examples of best practice.  The following areas were highlighted:


·         What Risk Management was and why it was needed

·         How to approach risk management and areas to consider

·         The Risk Management Framework

·         The roles and responsibilities – which gives a clear guide as to responsibilities at various levels.


It was confirmed that once the Strategy had been endorsed then appropriate training would be rolled out across the Council.


Councillor Cooper, as Portfolio Holder for Finance and Enabling, highlighted that there were responsibilities for Councillors and asked whether appropriate training would also be made available to them.  The Executive Director, Finance and Resources confirmed that, this would be included within the training provided to Members of the Audit, Standards and Governance Committee which took place prior to its first meeting in the new municipal year and that all Councillors were invited to attend.


It was also noted that there was a Risk Champion appointed at the Audit, Standards and Governance Committee’s first meeting and this was currently Councillor P. Thomas.


RESOLVED that the Risk Management Strategy be approved.