Issue - meetings

Forward Plan of Key Decisions

Meeting: 27/11/2017 - Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 73)

73 Cabinet Work Programme pdf icon PDF 171 KB


Officers provided a number of updates in respect of the Cabinet Leader’s Work Programme, highlighting that a number of items would now be considered at the meeting of Cabinet on 10th January 2018.  It was also noted that the Bromsgrove Sports and Physical Activity Strategy had been put back to April 2018.  It was noted that the Industrial units Investment Business Case was already included on the Board’s Work Programme and that there was a possibility that this will slip back further.


Members discussed the possibility of pre-scrutinising the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 (Implementation of Provisions) report.  In this regard concerns were raised in respect of the Portfolio Holder and her connection to the Police and Crime Commissioner, which had been raised at the full Council meeting, held on 22nd November.  Officers were asked to pass on the Board’s concerns outside of the meeting.


The Executive Director, Finance and Resources advised that the Fees and Charges Report and the Monitoring and Efficiency Plan Update Report would be considered by the Finance and Budget Working Group.


The Risk Management Strategy item was also discussed and the Executive Director, Finance and Resources explained that this was a strategy which set out how the Council dealt with risk and did not provided details of particular risks.  That item was considered by the Audit, Standards and Governance Committee, with a Risk Champion being appointed to look at particular areas and report back to the Committee.


Following further discussion it was


RESOLVED that the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 (Implementation of Provisions, Risk Management Strategy and Sports and Physical Activity Strategy be added to the Overview and Scrutiny Board’s Work Programme.