Issue - meetings

Forward Plan of Key Decisions

Meeting: 22/08/2017 - Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 34)

34 Cabinet Work Programme pdf icon PDF 95 KB


Members were asked to consider whether there were any items on the Cabinet Work Programme which they wished to consider for pre-scrutiny.  Officers confirmed that the Industrial Unis Investment Outline Business Case was already on the Work Programme and would be picked up at the next meeting of the Board and Members showed an interest in also have sight of the Centres Strategy.


Officers reminded Members that due to the timing of the Board’s meetings it might not be possible to have sight of the full report and that a presentation summarising its content might be an appropriate alternative.  This was something which Officers would give consideration to when setting the Calendar of Meetings for 2018/19 with a view to, wherever possible, setting the Board meeting for the Monday prior to Cabinet.


Following further discussion it was agreed that the Commercialisation and Financial Strategy would be considered through the Finance and Budget Working Group, with its comments being fed back to the Board.