Issue - items at meetings - Forward Plan of Key Decisions

Issue - meetings

Forward Plan of Key Decisions

Meeting: 26/06/2017 - Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 18)

Cabinet Work Programme


Members were advised that there had been no further editions of the Cabinet Leader’s Work Programme published since the last meeting of the Board. 


A number of items had been selected for pre-decision scrutiny during the previous meeting including; Burcot Lane Site Redevelopment, Industrial Units Outline Business Case and the update report in respect of the Council’s economic priorities.  However, none of these items were scheduled for the consideration of Cabinet until September 2017 and this meeting would take place before the meeting of the Board that month creating difficulties in terms of scheduling the items for pre-scrutiny.  As there were other items due to be considered at the Board’s September meeting Members concurred that this should not be rescheduled.  Instead there was general agreement that the meeting of the Board that had been due to take place on 31st July should be postponed to provide Members with an opportunity to pre-scrutinise the relevant items.  The proposed date for this meeting would be Tuesday 22nd August, subject to the availability of relevant Officers.  Members were advised that the meeting of the Measures Dashboard Working Group that had been scheduled to take place that evening could be postponed to start once the meeting of the Board had finished.