Issue - meetings

Regional Spatial Strategy Phase 2 Revision Submission Document

Meeting: 13/12/2007 - Local Development Framework Working Party (Item 20)

20 Regional Spatial Strategy Phase 2 Preferred Option Submission pdf icon PDF 55 KB


The Working Party considered a report on the latest position regarding the revised Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS). The report also detailed the consultation exercise being undertaken and the process by which representations to the submitted version of the RSS could be made.


There was detailed discussion regarding the level of housing allocated to Bromsgrove within the RSS, particularly with regard to the need for affordable housing in the district, together with the amount and location of Redditch related housing and employment growth proposed within Bromsgrove and/or Stratford District. Whilst this growth could be partially met by the use of brownfield sites within the district, the RSS was indicating it should be located adjacent to Redditch town which would require the release of green belt land. The possible implications for the Council should an objection be submitted were also considered.  



(a)       that objections to the RSS be submitted in respect of the level of housing allocated to  Bromsgrove and to the level of Redditch related housing and employment growth to be provided within Bromsgrove and/or Stratford in locations adjacent to Redditch town, when alternative more strategically viable sites within the district are available.

(b)       that the Portfolio Holder for Planning be requested to write to the appropriate Officers at the Government Office for the West Midlands and the West Midlands Regional Assembly together with the local MP, expressing concern over the decision making process at the Regional Planning Partnership on 22nd October 2007.