Issue - meetings

Medium Term Financial Plan 2008/09 - 2010/11

Meeting: 05/12/2007 - Cabinet (Item 114)

114 Medium Term Financial Plan 2008-2009 to 2010-2011 pdf icon PDF 218 KB

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Consideration was given to a report on the current position on the Medium Term Financial Plan (revenue budgets) for 2008-2009 to 2010-2011, including proposed pressures and savings.



(a)       that the unavoidable and high pressures identified in Appendix A of the report, together with those categorised as medium and low as shown at Appendix B of the report, be noted;

(b)       that officers continue to review the pressures and savings with the aim of balancing the budget for 2008-2009 and 2010-2011; and

(c)        that officers investigate all options to mitigate the potential impact of redundancies across the Council.