Issue - meetings

Recommendations from the Executive Cabinet

Meeting: 28/02/2017 - Council (Item 95)

95 Recommendations from the Cabinet pdf icon PDF 176 KB




To consider the recommendation from the meeting of the Cabinet held on 7th December 2016  (consideration of this item was postponed at the previous Council Meeting on 25th January 2017)


·         Business Waste Recycling Service (the background papers to this item are confidential)



To consider the recommendations from the meeting of the Cabinet held on 1st February 2017 


·         The Council Plan 2017 – 2020

·         Planning Services Development Business Case

·         Medium Term Financial Plan 2017/18 – 2020/21

·         ICT Infrastructure (the background Appendix to the Cabinet report is confidential)


To consider the recommendations from the meeting of the Cabinet held on 28th February 2017 (To be circulated)


·         Pay Policy Statement 2017/18

·         Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Investment Strategy 2017/18 to 2018/19

·         Council Tax Resolutions 2017/18



Note: that under the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) Amendment Regulations 2014, the Council is required to take a named vote when a decision is made on the budget calculation or precept at a budget decision meeting of the Council.


Note: that under Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, any Councillor who is 2 or more months in arrears with their Council Tax payments cannot participate in any item at the Council meeting concerning the budget.



The background papers to the recommendations are contained at the back of the Council Agenda


Business Waste Recycling Service


As it was likely that discussion of this item would require the exclusion of the public from the meeting, the Chairman deferred the item to the end of the agenda.



The Council Plan 2017-2020


The recommendation from the Cabinet in relation to the Council Plan 2017- 2020 was proposed by Councillor G. N. Denaro and seconded by Councillor K. J. May.


In proposing the recommendation Councillor Denaro referred to the “refreshed” Council Plan and to the amendments which had been made following the discussion at a previous Council meeting. The Council’s key priorities and strategic purposes were set out on page 6 of the Plan and it was emphasised that the overarching aim was to ensure a sustainable Council. The Plan itself was now  a more concise and understandable document.


During the debate some Members expressed the view that the Council Plan contained insufficient detail to enable Portfolio Holders and officers to be held to account in the future. In addition reference to prudence and efficiency in respect of the Council’s finances was challenged. 


Other Members however recognised that the revised plan was an improved document from the original version and requested that it now be used going forward by Portfolio Holders to drive improvement through their individual Action Plans.


The Leader confirmed that the Plan would be reviewed on a regular basis and that he  would be working with Portfolio Holders and officers in order to deliver the actions arising from the Plan.


RESOLVED that Council Plan 2017- 2020 attached at Appendix 1 to the report be approved.



Planning Development Services Business Case


The recommendation from the Cabinet in relation to the Planning Development Services Business Case was proposed by Councillor C. B. Taylor and seconded by Councillor G. N. Denaro.


In proposing the recommendation Councillor Taylor reminded Members of the previous discussions at Council and referred to the additional information previously requested and which was contained in Appendix 2 to the report. Councillor Taylor reported that the number of posts at risk of redundancy had reduced from two to one as one of the officers involved had now secured alternative employment. 


Councillor Taylor acknowledged the concerns of some Members regarding the location of staff and confirmed that a strong staff presence would be retained in Bromsgrove. Planning Surgeries were effective and were well attended.  It was important to move forward with the proposals in order to remove uncertainty and to progress.


During the debate some Members continued to express concern regarding the majority of planning staff being located in Redditch and the perceived impact on services to Bromsgrove residents. In addition it was hoped that the costs split between the Authorities would be reviewed regularly. 


Councillor Taylor responded that formal shared service arrangements would enable a more robust and resilient Planning Development Management Service to continue to offer an improved service to residents. It was important now to progress with the shared service and to end uncertainty for staff.


RESOLVED that the Business Case  ...  view the full minutes text for item 95