Issue - items at meetings - Forward Plan of Key Decisions

Issue - meetings

Forward Plan of Key Decisions

Meeting: 28/11/2016 - Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 62)

62 Cabinet Work Programme 1st December to 31st March 2017 pdf icon PDF 169 KB


The Board considered the contents of the Cabinet Leader’s Work Programme covering the period 1st December 2016 to 31st March 2017.  Members were advised that since the work programme was published the date of the January meeting of Cabinet had been postponed by a week.  In addition, the review of CCTV, which had been scheduled for the consideration of Cabinet in December, had been withdrawn since the publication of the work programme, though the Chairman had requested that a report on the subject of CCTV still be presented for the consideration of the Board in December.


During consideration of the work programme Members identified the following items which they agreed would be suitable for pre-scrutiny:


·                Review of Economic Priorities.

·                The Sport and Physical Activity Strategy.

·                Bromsgrove District Local Plan.  In connection with this item Members suggested that it would also be useful for the Board to receive an update on progress in respect of the Council’s Green Belt Review.


Consideration was also given to pre-scrutinising the Engagement Strategy, which was scheduled to be presented at Cabinet in February 2017. This strategy would address methods for engagement by the Council with local communities.  Members noted that to an extent engagement with communities would also be addressed by the Social Media Task Group and that this strategy could therefore be reviewed as part of that investigation.  During discussion of this matter Councillor J.M.L.A Griffiths indicated that she would be interested in participating in the Social Media Task Group exercise and it was agreed that she should be appointed to the review.


Members also discussed future arrangements for the distribution of New Homes Bonus Community Grants and the potential for this to be investigated further by the Board.  Officers advised that one of the recommendations in the New Homes Bonus report, due to be considered by Cabinet in December 2016, was proposing a review of the process in the future and it was anticipated that this would lead to improvements in the long-term.




(1)       The Overview and Scrutiny Board’s Work Programme be amended to include the items from the Cabinet Leader’s Work Programme identified as being suitable for pre-scrutiny, as detailed in the preamble above.

(2)       Councillor J.M.L.A Griffiths be appointed to the Social Media Task Group.