Issue - items at meetings - Forward Plan of Key Decisions

Issue - meetings

Forward Plan of Key Decisions

Meeting: 24/04/2017 - Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 117)

117 Cabinet Work Programme pdf icon PDF 169 KB


Members considered the content of the Cabinet Leader’s Work Programme for the period 1st May to 31st July 2017.  The Board noted that the majority of items were scheduled for consideration at a meeting of the Cabinet due to take place on 7th June 2017. As this would be on the eve of the general election questions were raised as to whether this meeting would still go ahead and Officers were asked to consult with the Leader in respect of this matter.


The Board’s recommendation in relation to the Work Programme, which had been proposed at the previous meeting, had been approved by Cabinet.  Senior Officers were also aware of the concerns raised by Members in respect of the amount of notice provided for items on the Work Programme.  The subject would be raised again at forthcoming meetings of the Corporate Management Team (CMT) and Members were advised that it was possible some of the items due to be considered in June would need to be rescheduled.  In particular, Officers suggested that the Burcot Lane Site Future Development item might need to be considered on a different date potentially necessitating an extra meeting of the Board to enable pre-scrutiny of the report.


The inclusion of a number of shared service business cases on the Cabinet Leader’s Work Programme was noted by the Board.  Members suggested that given the potential relevance of these items to future service delivery these reports might be suitable for pre-scrutiny.  As such the suggestion was made that consideration should be given to postponing these items until July 2017, though it was noted that the business case for Legal and Democratic Services might need to remain on the agenda for the June meeting of Cabinet due to recent changes in personnel.