Issue - meetings

To receive any announcements from the Chairman and/or Head of Paid Service

Meeting: 24/02/2016 - Council (Item 104)

announcements from the Chairman and/or Head of Paid Service


The Chairman advised Members that the Annual Civic Dinner would take place on 22nd April 2016 and would be held at the Grafton Manor Hotel. All Members were invited to attend and would be receiving further information shortly.


The Chief Executive referred to the debate at the last Council Meeting on the Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor M. Thompson relating to animal welfare.


During the debate referred to, Councillor B. T. Cooper had stated that there was already a Policy in place relating to Council owned land  prohibiting animals in circuses and goldfish being offered as prizes at fairs. This information had been provided by officers to Councillor Cooper. It had transpired that that there was not a policy in place and terms and conditions of hire were not robust enough. Officers had remedied this. However, officers had not briefed Councillor Thompson about the changes. There was clearly some uncertainty over this matter and officers had not made the position clear to Members. The Chief Executive apologised for that oversight.


It had been agreed that in the circumstances, the Notice of Motion be debated again at the following Council Meeting in April.