Issue - meetings

Questions on Notice

Meeting: 20/04/2016 - Council (Item 122)

Questions on Notice

To deal with any questions on notice from Members of the Council, in the order in which they have been received.  A maximum of 15 minutes is allocated for this item, which may be extended at the discretion of the Chairman and with the agreement of the majority of Councillors present.


Question submitted by Councillor M Buxton

Several residents have noticed that, since its refurbishment, the condition of the High Street has deteriorated  - I speak particularly of litter and chewing gum on the ground.

I acknowledge that Councillor Dent has recently been photographed in the High Street “cleaning for the queen”  but  long term, can Councillor Dent or the Leader confirm what strategies are in place to ensure the High Street does not continue to deteriorate. Particularly can the Leader or Portfolio Holder confirm, since the re-opening of the High Street, how many people have been fined for litter and chewing gum offences?

Councillor P. J. Whittaker responded that there was a regime of cleaning covering the High Street which included pressure washing and removal of chewing gum. There had been no prosecutions for litter and chewing gum offences.   

Question submitted by Councillor M. Thompson

Would the Leader agree with me that the term “unqualified”,  in relation to accounts as brought up at the last full Council meeting, is a term used to describe accounts that are unquestionably correct and, therefore, that the Labour Group, who had four years of unqualified accounts – not achieved by this Council – should be congratulated? 

Councillor M. A. Sherrey responded that he agreed the accounts for the 4 years up to 1999 had been unqualified. The accounts had also been unqualified for the last 6 years.  

Question submitted by Councillor P. McDonald (asked at the meeting by Councillor L. Mallett)

Does the Chairman agree with me that it is wrong not to have an Ethical Policy regarding the awarding of contracts relating to organisations that use islands as advertisement boards?

Councillor R. J. Laight responded that the question of ethical guidelines within sponsorship arrangements would be reviewed to ensure consistency in policies.

From Councillor C. McDonald (asked at the meeting by Councillor L. Mallett)

Would the Chairman please inform me whether action is going to be taken against this Council for fly-posting at road junctions or is the Council a special case?

Councillor Taylor responded that this Council did have a fly posting policy in place and that the new operators of the Market had been advised regarding the correct procedures to be followed in this regard.