Issue - meetings

Monitoring Officer's Update Report

Meeting: 18/10/2007 - Standards Committee (this Committee has now been combined wit the Audit, Standrds and Governance Committee and no longer meets) (Item 18)

18 Monitoring Officer's Update Report pdf icon PDF 73 KB

To receive an update report from the Monitoring Officer on matters of relevance to the Committee, and to include the following:

(a)       Local Investigations (verbal update);      

(b)       Member Training - Code of Conduct (verbal update);

(c)        Standards Committees in Worcestershire (letter attached); and

(d)       Standards Board for England - The Bulletin #35 (separate enclosure).


The Deputy Monitoring Officer provided the following updates:


Local Investigations


Members were advised that the final reports for both of the local Member investigations had now been completed and that these had been passed to the Monitoring Officer.  In one case the Investigating Officer had reached a finding that there had been no breach of the Code of Conduct and in the second case the finding was that there had been a breach of the Code.  Dates for the Standards Committee hearings to consider the Investigating Officer's findings were agreed.  


Member Training - Code of Conduct


Officers reported that a total of 29 Members had completed training on the new Code of Conduct.  The Chairman stated that, in view of the importance of the Code, those Members who had not undertaken training in this area to date should aim to do so.  The Monitoring Officer confirmed that a further training session, which would likely be conducted in-house, would be arranged, and that she would speak with the Leader of the Council on this.


Standards Committees in Worcestershire


The letter contained in the agenda from Mr. J. Blakeley, Chairman of Wychavon District Council's Standards Committee, advising that his original proposal on the coming together of Standards Committee members on a county-wide basis to discuss issues of relevance to Standards Committees was not being pursued, was noted.  Only Bromsgrove District Council had provided a substantive response in this regard.  Were circumstances to change then it would be open for the concept to be re-visited in the future on the initiative of any council wishing to do so.


Standards Board for England - The Bulletin


The Deputy Monitoring Officer made reference to the Standards Board for England publication The Bulletin #35, a copy of which had been sent to the members of the Committee with the agenda papers.  Members were asked whether they wished to receive copies of The Bulletin in the future and, if so, in which format.


Members wished to receive future copies of The Bulletin, with the majority opting for this to be sent electronically, via e-mail.  Mr. Allard and Mr. Hodgetts requested copies via post.



(a)       that the position in relation to the two local Member investigations be noted;

(b)       that the position in relation to Member attendance to date on training for the new Code of Conduct be noted, and that those Members who had not undertaken training in this area be encouraged to attend a separate training session to be arranged in-house;

(c)        that the position in relation to Standards Committees in Worcestershire be noted; and

(d)       that future issues of the Standard Board for England publication The Bulletin be sent to the members of the Committee.