Issue - meetings

Customer Satisfaction Data

Meeting: 18/09/2007 - Performance Management Board (Item 33)

33 Customer Satisfaction Data pdf icon PDF 183 KB

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Further to Minute No.27/07(f) of the last meeting, a report on the outcome of the triennial best value satisfaction surveys undertaken in 2006/07, was submitted. The report highlighted the key issues and set out strategic responses.



(a) that the Board notes:

(i) the satisfaction survey results as shown in section 4.2 together with the comparisons and analyses in section 4.3 and Appendix 1;

(ii) the key messages from the Bromsgrove survey results as highlighted in section 4.4 and Appendices 2 to 5;

(iii)  the summary of key issues arising from these satisfaction surveys and the comments and proposed actions for each, as set out at section 4.5; and

            (iv) the conclusions made by the Department of Communities and Local Government;

(b)  that, in future analyses of such surveys, officers be requested to consider factoring in additional breakdowns to include sub-district responses (i.e., by ward boundary), by urban/rural area , by age, disability, etc; and

(c)  that the relevant Portfolio holder, together with the Head of Street Scene and Waste Management, be requested to look into the reasons why indicators BV89 (Street Cleanliness) and BV90a (Waste Collection) were worse than the national trend, and report their findings to the next meeting of the Board, and that, in connection with BV89 above, Members be advised of the criteria of the “Apple Award” recently attained by the Council.