Issue - meetings

Apologies for Absence

Meeting: 03/12/2014 - Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 78)



Apologies for absence were received from Councillors R. Clarke, S. R. Colella, B. Cooper, H. Jones and R. Laight.  Councillor C. Scurrell confirmed he was attending as a substitute for Councillor H. Jones.


It was noted that Councillors R. Shannon and C. Bloore would be late due to work commitments and some Members questioned why the meeting had been arranged at such short notice and at an earlier than usual time.  Whilst acknowledging that this was not convenient, Members were reminded that this had been discussed at the previous Overview and Scrutiny Board meeting.  To enable any views reached by the Board to be fed into the Cabinet decision to be made later the same evening, there had been no alternative available date.