Issue - meetings

To receive any comments made the Scrutiny Steering Board at its meeting held on …with regard to the items to be considered at the Cabinet meeting

Meeting: 05/09/2007 - Cabinet (Item 54)

Comments Made By The Scrutiny Steering Board


The Chairman of the Scrutiny Steering Board submitted the following comments on behalf of the Scrutiny Steering Board on items to be considered at the meeting:


(a)       Barnsley Hall Football Project – It was questioned whether revenue would be lost if the site was made available to the community rather than to one team;

(b)       Council Plan Part 1 – It was asked if any action had been or was planned to be taken to address drug issues at local schools particularly in Charford where drug use had been identified as an issue;

(c)        Council Plan Part 1 – It was requested that the regeneration of the Longbridge site be included as one of the Council’s top five priorities;

(d)       Financial and Performance Monitoring Integrated Report – June 2007 – Concern was expressed regarding the recommendation to revise current targets. The Scrutiny Steering Board felt that efforts should be made to ensure current targets were met rather than reducing the targets.


The Chairman confirmed that these comments would be considered when the various items were discussed.