Issue - meetings

Integrated Financial/Performance Report - Quarter 1, 2007-08

Meeting: 21/08/2007 - Performance Management Board (Item 29)

29 Integrated Financial/Performance Report - Quarter 1, 2007-08 pdf icon PDF 362 KB

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A report on the Council’s performance as at 30th June 2007 (Period 3/Quarter 1), was submitted. During the discussion on the report, Members expressed concern over the time taken to process requests/payments for Disabled Facilities Grants.


RESOLVED that the Board notes

(a)       that 67% of indicators are improving or stable as at the quarter end, compared to 80% in the previous period;

(b)       that 65% of indicators are achieving their targets at the quarter end, compared to 66% in the previous period;

(c)        the revised targets as proposed in section 4.1 of the report;

(d)       the financial position for both revenue and capital funding for the first quarter, of £269k underspend and £126k respectively; and

(e)       in view of the details referred to in (a) above, a report be submitted to the next meeting of the Board on the reason(s) for the apparent  reduction in the number of indicators that were improving or stable in June, compared to May.


RECOMMENDED that Cabinet be requested to instruct the appropriate Portfolio Holder to work closely with relevant senior managers to speed up the process of dealing with requests/payments for Disabled Facilities Grants.