Issue - meetings

Bromsgrove Museum

Meeting: 01/08/2007 - Cabinet (Item 45)

45 Future of Bromsgrove Museum pdf icon PDF 102 KB


Consideration was given to an update report on progress toward implementation of the Cabinet's decision of February 2007 to close the Museum.


The Chief Executive advised Members of the need for them to be aware that if Members decided to close the Museum on 1st October 2007, due to insufficient progress being made on the transfer, that the Council could potentially face a legal challenge.  The Chief Executive further commented that the transfer to a Trust would have to be subject to the agreement of the Charity Commission. 


The comments of the Vice-Chairman of the Scrutiny Steering Board made earlier in the meeting that the Board did not wish to see any further slippage in the proposed timetable for completion of the transfer were also noted. 


The Chairman of the Cabinet stated that negotiations with the transfer were now proceeding reasonably well and that it was hoped that the Museum would not have to close, thus avoiding any possibility of a legal challenge.



(a)    that the delayed progress regarding the completion of the transfer of the Museum and its collection to a trust or arms length organisation, as outlined in the report, be noted;

(b)    that the period for the completion of the transfer be extended to 30th  September 2007; and that should insufficient progress be made towards completion by this date, the Museum close on 1st October 2007 and not re-open until transfer of the collection to a trust is completed;

(c)     that with regard to the course of action referred to in paragraph 2.2 of the report, the Portfolio Holder for Culture and Community Services, the Corporate Director - Services and Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services be given delegated authority to determine whether sufficient progress has been achieved;

(d)    that in the event it is determined that sufficient progress has been achieved, the period for the completion of the transfer be extended to 31st  December 2007; and

(e)    that the Portfolio Holder for Culture and Community Services, the Corporate Director – Services and the Section 151 Officer be given delegated authority to negotiate a price for the sale of the Museum building to the museum trust.