Issue - meetings

To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting of the Scrutiny Steering Board held on ...

Meeting: 01/08/2007 - Cabinet (Item 41)

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The minutes of the Scrutiny Steering Board held on 3rd July 2007 were submitted.


In relation to the newly established Task Groups, the Leader requested that the scope of the Public Transport - Buses Task Group be extended to include the impact of the proposed re-development of Bromsgrove Railway Station, particularly with regard to issues associated with the relocation option which would allow for increased parking capacity, a bus interchange facility and potential for a Park and Ride station in a strategic location, some aspects of which it was felt would also affect the Air Quality Task Group.  Furthermore, Members felt it important that transport links to railway stations across the district be covered by the scrutiny exercise.  Members also queried the level of public interest which had been shown following the press advertisements advising of the establishment of the Groups.


The Vice-Chairman of the Scrutiny Steering Board agreed to take back to the Board for consideration the Cabinet's suggestions and to ascertain from officers and feedback to the Cabinet details of the public responses received to date to the establishment of the Task Groups.


Regarding the items to be considered by the Cabinet that evening, the Vice-Chairman of the Scrutiny Steering Board highlighted an issue in relation to agenda item 8 - Future of Bromsgrove Museum - as detailed separately at Minute 45/07 below.



(a)       that the minutes be noted;

(b)       that the Vice-Chairman of the Scrutiny Steering Board report back to the Board and Cabinet on the issues raised in relation to the new Task Groups; and

(c)        that the comment of the Vice-Chairman of the Scrutiny Steering Board in relation to the report appearing later in the agenda on the Future of Bromsgrove Museum be noted.