Issue - meetings

Senior Management Restructure

Meeting: 18/07/2007 - Cabinet (Item 37)

Future Senior Management Restructure


Following consideration of the report it was




(a)       that the proposed structure as set out in Appendix A to the report be approved for implementation with effect from 19th July 2007;

(b)       that the statutory function of Chief Finance Officer/Section 151 Officer be permanently transferred from the Corporate Director (Resources) to the Head of Financial Services with immediate effect;

(c)        that the use of external recruitment consultants to recruit to the vacant Executive Director post be approved and that the recruitment costs be funded from the accumulated savings generated from the vacant Corporate Director (Resources ) post;

(d)       that the increase in salaries associated with Head of Financial Services and the Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services be approved and be funded in 2007/08 from the accumulated savings generated from the vacant Corporate Director (Resources) post and in future years it be factored into the review of the medium term financial plan;

(e)       that the Chief Executive be granted delegated Authority in consultation with the Leader of the Council to interview the Corporate Director (Services) in order to determine into which post he should be redeployed; and

(f)         that the Appointments Committee be informed of the need to take responsibility for the appointment of the vacant Executive Director post.