Issue - meetings

Local Development Framework Process

Meeting: 19/07/2007 - Local Development Framework Working Party (Item 5)

Local Development Framework Process


Members received a presentation which provided an overview of the Local Development Framework (LDF) process, together with a ‘Jargon Guide’. It was noted that there was much greater emphasis on effective community engagement in the LDF process than under the old Local Plan process. Particular attention was drawn to the LDF documents already produced by the Council, including the Local Development Scheme which set out the project plan for the LDF and the Statement of Community Involvement. Members were informed of the process that needed to be followed in the preparation and adoption of such documents.


A key part of the LDF process was the requirement for the Council to produce a Core Strategy. Other significant Development Plan Documents included the Longbridge Area Action Plan and Town Centre Area Action Plan. Attention was also drawn to the need for an Annual Monitoring Report, the requirements for Sustainability Appraisal and to the Planning Inspectorate’s examination and ‘tests of soundness’ of LDF documents.


Members were given the opportunity to ask questions to which officers and the Chairman responded.