7 Licensing Committee Work Programme PDF 44 KB
To consider the Committee’s Work Programme for the current municipal year 2013 / 2014.
Members were asked to consider the Licensing Committee Work Programme.
The Licensing Manager informed the Committee that in respect of Worcestershire Regulatory Services Licensing Committee’s meeting and sharing best practice, this had not progressed as no further interest had been expressed. Members agreed that this item be taken off the work programme.
The Licensing Manager responded to Members’ questions with regard to the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 and training for Committee Members with regard to the new Act.
The Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 maintains local authorities as the principal regulator of these industries. The Act creates two different types of scrap metal licence. One would be a site licence, the other a collector’s licence. It gave local authorities the power to better regulate these industries by providing a power to refuse to grant a licence and revoke licences if the dealer was considered ‘unsuitable. The Licensing Manager highlighted that the Act had not been enacted. Once officers had received guidance on the Act a specific training session to cover the Act and the role of local authorities would be organised for Committee Members.
RESOLVED that, subject to the amendments as referred to in the pre-amble above, the Licensing Committee Work Programme be noted.