Issue - meetings

Discharging the Homelessness Duty in the Private Rented Sector Policy

Meeting: 03/04/2013 - Cabinet (Item 133)

133 Discharging the Homelessness Duty in the Private Rented Sector Policy pdf icon PDF 69 KB

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The Cabinet considered a report which referred to the power under the Localism Act 2011, previously adopted by the Authority, to discharge the main homelessness duty by making an offer of private rented accommodation. The main purpose of the report was to enable Members to consider a detailed policy to allow for the implementation of this decision.


Members were reminded that the option of utilising the private sector by way of offering private rented accommodation, with a minimum twelve month assured shorthold tenancy to those persons presenting as homeless would enable this Authority to accommodate people more easily. Whilst the Authority would continue to have the option of placing households in social housing, the use of suitable private rented accommodation would assist with minimising the use of temporary accommodation such as Bed and Breakfast.


The Strategic Housing Manager and the Strategic Housing and Enabling Officer referred to the amended draft policy which had been developed in consultation with partners and stakeholders. Paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2 of the section “Selecting Households for Properties” had been amended to give officers sufficient flexibility in allocating properties which had been adapted and therefore met the needs of a particular household, or where there was housing debt. 


Members noted that officers would need to continue to work closely to develop links with local private Landlords to encourage a supply of suitable and affordable properties with the required minimum twelve month tenancies. In addition officers would be undertaking inspections of the prospective properties to ensure they were suitable in terms of condition and location and complied with all relevant legislation. The policy proposed that all properties be equipped with carbon monoxide alarms to be funded by this Authority. 


It was recognised that properties would also need to be assessed to ensure they were affordable. Support in relation to debt and finance management would be available to prospective tenants to minimise the possibility of economic difficulties arising.   


It was noted that whilst the majority of properties to be offered would be within the Bromsgrove District, there would be some households with strong connections to neighbouring areas such as Birmingham or Halesowen and therefore in some cases it would be more appropriate to offer accommodation in these locations.


Members recognised that in the current economic climate and in view of the impact of recent and forthcoming changes in Welfare legislation, there was a need for new approaches to be developed in order to address any potential increase in homelessness and were supportive of the new policy. It was noted it was intended to review the policy after a period of twelve months.






(a)       that the Policy to Discharge the Homelessness Duty into the Private Rented Sector attached as an appendix to the report be approved; and

(b)       that the policy be reviewed after a period of twelve months.