Issue - meetings

Corporate Fraud (how the Authority pro-actively responds) - Verbal update from the Executive Director (Finance and Resources)

Meeting: 14/03/2013 - Audit Board (this committee has been combined with the Audit, Standards & Governance Committee and no longer meets) (Item 49)

Corporate Fraud (how the Authority pro-actively responds)


The Head of Finance and Resources provided Members with a verbal update on Corporate Fraud and how the Authority pro-actively responded.  Information received from staff through the Council’s whistleblowing procedure or from members of the public, would be directed to Internal Audit for preliminary investigation.  Taking into account all of the information and evidence received a decision would then be made in respect of the next step to be taken; straight forward investigation, disciplinary action or if of a criminal nature possible police investigation.


Members briefly discussed and questioned staff awareness or willingness to report instances of suspected fraud using the Council’s whistleblowing procedure.  In response the Executive Director, Finance and Corporate Resources informed Members that staff were made aware of the Council’s whistleblowing procedure but suggested that in order to gauge staff awareness or willingness to use the whistleblowing procedure; specific questions could be included within the next staff survey.



a)           that the Executive Director, Finance and Corporate Resources be tasked to scope the inclusion of specific questions in respect of the Council’s whistleblowing procedure in the next staff survey; and

b)           that the results of the staff survey, in respect of the specific questions asked on the Council’s whistleblowing procedure, be presented to a future meeting of the Audit Board.