Issue - meetings

Presentation by Mr. D. Trafford, Idox

Meeting: 21/02/2013 - Worcestershire Shared Services Joint Committee (Worcs Shared Services Partnership was dissolved on 31st March 2016. A new partnership was agreed on 1st April 2016 Worcs Regulatory Services Board) (Item 40)

Idox and Worcestershire Regulatory Services - Presentation from Dave Trafford, Key Account Manager


The Joint Committee received a presentation from Mr. D. Trafford, Key Account Manager, Idox, suppliers of the Worcestershire Regulatory Services integrated IT solution. 


Mr. Trafford informed the Committee that Idox was a provider of software solutions to local government who currently provided and supported software solutions for approximately 320 local authorities throughout the United Kingdom. 


The presentation provided Members with information on ‘What Worcestershire Regulatory Services brings’ and ‘What Idox brings’ to the partnership relationship.  Mr. Trafford highlighted that during an initial meeting in May 2012, officers from Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) had explained and detailed the ‘Systems Thinking’ approach, which had taken place within the service, and this had struck a chord with Idox who had been impressed with the innovation shown by WRS.  All WRS staff worked well with lots of intense activity.  The IT Solution was not just a traditional Environmental Heath, Trading Standards or Licensing system; it was a system that was flexible and able to support both customers and staff.  A fully integrated solution with the ability to share data with other organisations and able to support a multi–skilled, mobile workforce.


Mr. Trafford responded to Members’ questions and in doing so informed the Committee that a high percentage of the delivery and cost of developing the innovative solution was being meet by Idox, however WRS would receive some recompense in providing the IT Solution to other local authorities. 


The Chairman thanked Mr. Trafford for his presentation.


(A copy of the presentation is attached at Appendix 2 for information).