Issue - meetings

Shared Services Review - Print, Design and Communication

Meeting: 09/01/2013 - Cabinet (Item 96)

Services Review - Print, Design and Communications

Additional documents:


This item was discussed in public as the members of staff involved were now fully aware of the proposals. Members were however reminded not to refer to details of individual salaries.  It was noted that an amended report taking this into account would be made available at the Council meeting.


The Cabinet considered a report on the Service Review in respect of Print, Design and Communications. The Communications and Marketing Manager referred to the background to the review, including the transformation process undertaken within the Print and Design Teams. Following this process, a post had become vacant within the Communications Team and the opportunity had therefore been taken to include the Communications Team within the review.


The Communications and Marketing Manager referred to the potential savings and to the changes in the ways of working which were evolving, including the use of social media.


Following discussion it was



(a)       that the details of the Print, Design and Communications Review set out within Appendix 1 to the report be noted; and

(b)       that the proposals arising from the Service Review be approved for implementation.