Issue - meetings

Council Tax Base and Business Rate Base 2013/2014

Meeting: 09/01/2013 - Cabinet (Item 101)

101 Council Tax Base and Business Rate Base 2013/2014 pdf icon PDF 61 KB

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The Cabinet considered a report on the Council Tax Base and Business Rate Base for 2013/2014. It was noted that this was the first time that the Business Rate Base had required Council approval as any variation to the Base would now have a direct impact on the income received by the Authority. At present the appendix in relation to the Business Rate Base was still in draft form and it was reported that a final version would be submitted to Council for approval.


It was noted that the Council Tax Base would be reduced due to the new arrangements for Council Tax Benefit Support. The Authority would now receive a grant for the financial year for an estimated 90% of Council Tax Support payable.


There was discussion on the Government grants proposed to be paid to Parish Councils totalling £40,020. The grants were payable to Parish Councils in addition to their precepts to ensure that residents are not affected by the reduction in the Council Tax Base within their Parish area. It was noted that the grant was available for one year only and it was felt this should be made clear to the Parish Councils.



(a)       that the calculation of the Council’s Tax Base for the whole and parts of the area for 2013/14 as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report be approved;

(b)       that in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Tax Base) Regulations 1992 , the figures calculated by Bromsgrove District Council as its tax base for the whole area for the year 2013/14 be £33,784.51 and that the calculation for each Parish be as set out in Appendix 1 to the report; and

 (c)       that grants be paid to the Parish Councils as set out in Appendix 1 and that  it be made clear to the Parish Councils that these are made on a one year basis only.   


RESOLVED that it be noted that the details of the Business Rate Base were still in draft form and that a revised version would be submitted to the Council.