Issue - meetings

Corporate Risk Register - Presentation from the Head of Finance & Resources

Meeting: 13/12/2012 - Audit Board (this committee has been combined with the Audit, Standards & Governance Committee and no longer meets) (Item 31)

Corporate Risk Register / Risk Management


The Head of Finance and Resources gave the Board an update on the changes to the Risk management arrangements following the changes in processes arising from shared services and the transformation of services. A joint shared approach had been taken with regard to risk identification, recording and monitoring.  


It was reported that a new risk management framework document had been produced in draft and was currently in the process of being reviewed by the Corporate Management Team. Key risks had been identified across each service and these would be managed on an on going basis using a web based system. It was reported that an officer Risk Management Group would monitor the operational risks and where appropriate escalate these for discussion and inclusion in the Corporate Risk Register.


The Head of Finance and Resources referred to some of the key risks identified so far such as:


  • The need to deliver “business as usual” whilst transformation was on going;
  • Failure to deliver a Local Plan could result in increased challenge over planning decisions or unwanted developments;
  • Failing to work closely with the new Police and Crime Commissioner with respect of community safety;
  • Failure to secure County Council funding for Lifeline services from April 2013.


Clearly actions would be put in place to mitigate the risks identified. The Head of Finance and Resources felt that use of the new risk management tool would enable risks to be monitored and addressed on a more effective and timely basis.


The Board discussed the importance of an effective risk management system and it was


RESOLVED that officers be requested to report further to the Board on the development of the new risk management system, including corporate and operational risks.